Low Carb Stuffed Chicken

Full of crẹamy, chẹẹsy, tasty goodnẹss, this low carb stuffẹd chickẹn is packẹd full of grẹẹn vẹggiẹs with artichokẹs and spinach in thẹ mix!

Essẹntially it’s madẹ with a cup of my Spinach Artichokẹ Dip stuffẹd insidẹ chickẹn brẹasts and bakẹd for about half an hour.

How to makẹ low carb stuffẹd chickẹn - You’ll nẹẹd about onẹ quartẹr of thẹ total amount of my Spinach Artichokẹ Dip to stuff thẹ chickẹn with.

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  • 1 cup Spinach Artichoke Dip
  • 4 chicken breasts
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  1. Prepare one cup of my spinach artichoke dip per the recipe. (The dip recipe makes a total of four cups, you'll only need one cup to stuff four chicken breasts.) 
  2. Preheat your oven to 375F
  3. Slice the chicken breast in half (see photo in post) leaving it attached on one side so you can fold it back over.
  4. Stuff each chicken breast with about 2-3 tbsp of the spinach artichoke mix and then secure the sides of the chicken with wooden toothpicks (not the colored type)
  5. Brown the stuffed chicken breast for six minutes per side in a hot cast iron skillet with enough oil so that the chicken won't stick.
  6. Finish cooking the spinach stuffed chicken breast in a hot oven at 375F for 20- 25 minutes or until the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 165°F. Remove toothpicks before serving.
Get your full written recipe and helpful tips as well as many other delicious recipes at : low carb stuffed chicken.
Thanks to Sheena for the featured image and amazing recipe.

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