Grilled Basil Garlic Chicken Breasts with Balsamic Grilled Peaches

Finding bonẹlẹss skin-on chickẹn brẹast sẹẹms to bẹ a challẹngẹ (at lẹast whẹrẹ wẹ livẹ) so wẹ bought skin-on bonẹ-in chickẹn brẹasts and rẹmovẹd thẹ bonẹ. With a sharp small knifẹ such as a boning knifẹ, run thẹ bladẹ along thẹ rib cagẹ to sẹparatẹ thẹ brẹast from thẹ bonẹ. You can frẹẹzẹ thẹ bonẹs for thẹ nẹxt timẹ you makẹ homẹmadẹ chickẹn stock.

  • 4 large boneless skin-on chicken breast halves (10-12 ounces each)
  • 3 tablespoons finely minced garlic
  • ½ cup chopped fresh basil
  • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • In a small bowl, mix garlic, basil and oil. Add additional oil if necessary.
  • Smear the mixture on both sides of the chicken breasts being careful to leave the skins intact. Sprinkle both sides with a small amount of salt and pepper. (The chicken may be allowed to marinate for up to 6 hours if desired.)
  • Over a medium fire, place chicken skin side down to crisp skin, about 8-10 minutes. Watch the temperature to make sure they do not burn. We leave the tenderloin on our chicken breasts so they are fairly thick – if you are doing the same, close the cover for a few minutes to raise the heat. Flip the breasts over and cook for another 6-8 minutes, again with the cover closed part of the time to have the grill function as an oven. (If your chicken breasts are not thick, the cover should be left open.
  • Note: If you are not comfortable telling when meat is done, pull one off and slice into a thick part to make sure there is no pink. They will sit after they come off the grill and will cook a bit on your platter so do not leave on too long.
  • Jump To full instructions and recipe notes >> Read more...

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